Thursday, October 8, 2009

And then there was the blog...

Yay! It's the start of a brand new blog! *begins to sing*

"It's a brand new blog
And the sun is high
All the birds are singing
That you're gonna laugh until you cry!"

Errrm... yeah. Sorry. >.> We shall try to keep the in-post singing to a minimum...

So. Why are you reading this most awesome of awesome blogs? For the lulz of course! This blog is designed to brighten people's days with pearls of disturbing, hilarious, and unexpected turns of phrase. Everything that we post here was actually said in real life at some juncture in time.

Yeah. Our lives are that crazy. We sincerely hope you enjoy the randomocity that is... Da Quote Board.

CheeseNip and Kidlet

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